
Jan 20, 2010

Wanita PPP cabar Murugiah letak jawatan

KUALA LUMPUR: Pergerakan Wanita Parti Progresif Penduduk (PPP) mencabar Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk T Murugiah, melepaskan jawatan. Ketuanya, Datin Josephine Ann, berkata Pendaftar Pertubuhan (ROS) semalam sudah menghantar surat kepada Setiausaha Agung PPP menegaskan bahawa pemecatan Murugiah daripada parti adalah berlandaskan perlembagaan PPP. Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang media di sini sebentar tadi.

1 comment:

    I have this to say to YB Dato’ Murugiah, which part of my statement is defamatory YB. The truth hurts, doesn’t it. On the 14th Jan 2010 even the Star has reported exactly the same complaint I made of your January 10th 2010 event at the NUPW Promoting Business Loans etc in an article written by Veera Pandiyan. THIS IS PUBLIC DOMAIN NEWS. Emails I attach from blogs are speaking the same and the unhappiness at being misinformed by its members on its activities. Come to think of it you have been doing that from day one with your illegal PPP EGM in Putrajaya. Is there no truth in all these writings which seem to echo what I stated. Are they all telling lies and only you are telling the truth. There is no doubt you owe the public an apology. ... Do not forget I was legally elected in December 2008, who are you to ask me to apologise to you when you are trying to usurp the Presidents post the illegal way using the Deputy Ministers post as a shield, a post you gained when you were in the PPP.
    THERE IS NO NEED FOR ME TO APOLOGISE to an illegal self proclaimed president.
    ....You have contradicted yourself so many times, it’s a wonder you still remain a Deputy Minister in this current Prime Ministers government.
    I CHALLENGE YOU. Be brave show your 2100 PPP Branch head attendance list with signatures you alleged attended the January 10th 2010 NUPW function. Don’t just give signatures of public attendees, that might amount to 27 Million, the Malaysian population. We have the records, the media can be invited to observe. If it verifies, I will apologise to you and I will even quit my post if you are proven correct. I call your bluff, a LEGALLY ELECTED WOMAN IN PPP is challenging you, don’t evade, don’t give excuses don’t camouflage. You have always been good with numbers. Don’t hide or come up with some lame and feeble story. I challenge you. The Womens Wing challenges you, prove your statement or quit as a Deputy Minister.
    You claim the position of PPP President to keep some of our members hanging. On the 10th June 2009 you stated in the Star “ We must respect and give the ROS time to decide” . The ROS has finally issued a letter after its investigations dated 19th January 2010 on your status. You were correctly expelled as per the Constitution and your so called election as PPP President is illegal. You now Respect that proclamation as per your Statement in June 10. You are embarking on an illegal quest from now. Read it and weep. Don’t try to usurp the PPP Presidents post or continue to mislead the public.
    I have stated earlier it’s not a popularity campaign between you and our legally elected President , Datuk M Kayveas. All legitimate PPP rank and file members will not accept you as President. This has been made known to you before you were even expelled. As a Deputy Minister in the Barisan, obey the law you have sworn to uphold. Don’t make a mockery of the very same BN government you serve.
    Just look at the tags you printed for your 10th January 2010 NUPW event under the guise of Kelab Penyokong BN. Turn it and you have a different event, convenient MAGIC. You used the very logo you called illegal on the tags . The logo is the same you complained to the ROS to have PPP deregistered. What exemption do you have to use it.
    Do not misuse your Deputy Ministers post for your own gain. ....
    I don’t intend to indulge in an extended war of words with you. Accept the challenge – LET’S END IT.
    Datin Josephine Anne
    Ketua Wanita PPP Malaysia
